Church? Hell No

Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, explains the origin of the odd term, Banana Republic. He explains how the concept of a third-world country has morphed into the term Banana Republic. This idea refers to countries plagued by high crime rates, corrupt governments, severe economic problems, and an overall lack of civilized behavior. He points out how the United States seems to become a little more degenerate with each passing day. He points to the obliteration of the US border by a woke ideology that is allowing millions of impoverished foreigners to enter the United States illegally. Institutions like the NIH and CDC have lost credibility. Crime is soaring and inflation is roaring. Quoting former president Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is a fragile thing. It’s never more than one generation away.” Dr. Hall reviews many things that have caused the American public to feel the justice system in America has been weaponized by the current administration. The podcast concludes as listeners are reminded that God has told us “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” Can also be seen on YouTube at:

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