Church? Hell No

Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, reacts to Southern Baptist churches adopting a resolution at their annual meeting to oppose in vitro fertilization (IVF). He explains how this procedure is used to overcome infertility problems in couples. Opposition to this procedure usually hinges on whether embryos developed in the laboratory should be considered human life. Dr. Hall points out that when a mother becomes pregnant and does nothing, and there is no miscarriage, a baby will be born. But if the embryo exists in a dish or a freezer in the laboratory and you do nothing, there will never be a baby. Dr. Hall uses Scripture to demonstrate how overcoming infertility is something that pleases God. He then points out how modern medicine is used to overcome many diseases, disabilities, and infertility and that these abilities are a gift from God. Dr. Hall explains that it is only when an embryo produced in a laboratory and is given the chance to attach to a woman’s uterus, that the woman becomes pregnant. It is at this point that we see the fruition of what David said to God in Psalm 39:13, “You knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” The podcast concludes by urging the listeners to let those whose birth was the product of in vitro fertilization that they are the creation of God as much as anyone else. Can also be seen on YouTube at:

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